Vaughn Endowment

Ensuring the longevity & impact of InterFaith Health Center’s dental department
In honor of the many years of outstanding leadership and service of Emmet P. “Buck” and Linda Vaughn, InterFaith Health Center was pleased to announce on December 11, 2018, the establishment of the Buck & Linda Vaughn Endowment. This endowment, whose goal is to ensure and expand the impact of InterFaith’s dental department, initially aims to raise $2 million, with an eventual goal of raising $10 million to dramatically expand dental services within our community. Make your secure and lasting gift now using the form below.

The state of Tennessee ranks 40th in the nation for dental habits and care, and 44% of Knox County adults have had one or more teeth extracted due to infection. The low-income are especially at risk for oral health problems. In fact, when patients come to InterFaith it takes an average of 7 visits to achieve a healthy mouth. Because lack of dental care can negatively impact diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases, expanding InterFaith’s dental capacity is critical to improving the overall health of our community.

We’re thrilled to announce the establishment of the Buck and Linda Vaughn Endowment. With this invested pool of money that will provide a reliable source of income in perpetuity, InterFaith can count on annual distributions to ensure our dental services continue to be available as long as the need exists. By giving to this endowment, you help meet two goals: to grow the principal investment and to help generate operating income well into the future.

InterFaith’s dream is to have a dental department with the capacity to treat anyone in Knoxville needing our help. Our current facility will only allow us to treat 2,000 patients a year, even if we’re staffed with extended hours, but the need is so much greater. With 40% of Knox County residents not visiting a dentist regularly, InterFaith must expand our capacity if we’re going to scratch the surface in our community.
InterFaith's Buck & Linda Vaughn Endowment
In honor of the many years of outstanding leadership and service of Emmet P. “Buck” and Linda Vaughn, InterFaith Health Center was pleased to announce on December 11, 2018, the establishment of the Buck & Linda Vaughn Endowment. This endowment, whose goal is to ensure and expand the impact of InterFaith’s dental department, initially aims to raise $2 million, with an eventual goal of raising $10 million to dramatically expand dental services within our community.